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8 communication skills required to attend business meetings

زمان مطالعه: 6 دقیقه یA business negotiator must acquire the necessary skills, including communication skills, to attend business meetings in order to be successful in his or her business negotiations. According to the Science and Technology News Agency from Shiraz, a business meeting is any type of negotiation that has direct or indirect financial and economic consequences. In the ...

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زمان مطالعه: 6 دقیقه

یA business negotiator must acquire the necessary skills, including communication skills, to attend business meetings in order to be successful in his or her business negotiations.

According to the Science and Technology News Agency from Shiraz, a business meeting is any type of negotiation that has direct or indirect financial and economic consequences. In the negotiation process of business meetings, communication skills play an important part, because conducting a professional negotiation is one of the most important factors for success in business. A good negotiator can figure out the best deals in a trading session and create a lasting competitive advantage for his business. Meanwhile, those who decide to attend business meetings need to learn skills quickly.

The ability to conduct a business negotiation involves a set of communication skills that are used to achieve a desired outcome for both parties to the negotiation. While some people are inherently capable of engaging in challenging business negotiations to achieve a positive outcome, others may not have the ability to do so on their own, but by learning communication skills and Practicing them can produce acceptable results in a business meeting.

Dr. Mohammad Ali Moslehifar, CEO of Safir Mandegar International, in an interview with a reporter of Shiraz Science and Technology News Agency, stated: The communication skills required to participate in a business meeting can be used by using the programs developed in This area increased. This means that by learning educational strategies such as presenting PowerPoint during a lecture, better results can be achieved during business negotiations by increasing the attractiveness of products and services.

He added that a trade negotiator should determine the goals of the negotiation before the start of the meeting, plan the business areas and, if necessary, some possible alternatives to achieve the goals, as well as the areas of agreement and common goals. And prepare the text of the negotiation according to the objectives.

Regarding the importance of using the skills of participating in trade negotiations, the lecturer in the field of international trade told a reporter of Shiraz Science and Technology News Agency: “As soon as the negotiator can identify the necessary priorities to achieve the goals in a trade negotiation, he can Attend meetings with ease and comfort, and will also be able to control and manage various challenges during negotiation. To achieve this, it is enough for the negotiator to be aware that he can handle a reciprocal business relationship, at which time he is ready to improve his skills.

Dr. Mohammad Ali Moslehifar, referring to the need to use communication skills in the process of business negotiation, introduced problem analysis as the first skill. A business negotiator must improve his or her problem-solving skills so that he or she can identify goals and determine the interests of each party in the meeting. For example, in a trade negotiation between two merchants from two different countries, the problem or area in which the parties may differ may be customs matters in the sending and receiving of goods, the identification of which can help both parties. To find a solution to the problem and reach a two-way compromise.

Moslehfar mentioned the strengthening of verbal intelligence and verbal mastery in the business meeting as the second communication skill. A business negotiator must be able to communicate clearly and effectively during the negotiation. If the negotiator fails to state his or her goals clearly, it will lead to misunderstandings and an unfavorable outcome at the end of the negotiation. In a business meeting, a professional negotiator must meet his or her goals and logical conclusions well with verbal subtleties and a better understanding of the words.

Mosleh Far added: Increasing listening skills can be recognized as the third communication skill in a business meeting.

A business negotiator must have the skills to actively listen (the ability to understand non-verbal language and verbal communication) to the other party during the negotiation. This is very important in order to provide grounds for compromise in the meeting. A professional negotiator spends more time listening to the other party to find important differences and commonalities, rather than spending too much time negotiating to describe the virtues from his or her point of view. So the importance of the art of good listening should not be overlooked, as some negotiators usually do not spend as much time developing their listening skills as they do their speaking skills.

Moslehfar continued: “Strengthening non-verbal communication is the fourth communication skill in a business negotiation.” It should be noted that not all messages are conveyed in words and we send a significant portion of the messages non-verbally. But do not forget that non-verbal communication should not be limited to body language and facial expressions and gestures, but also late arrival at the meeting is an example of sending a non-verbal message, usually of all what gestures and faces It shows, it is more meaningful.

The CEO of Ambassador International Sustainable Communication named emotional control during the negotiation process as the fifth communication skill in business meetings. A professional negotiator must have the ability to control his or her emotions well throughout the negotiation, because a business negotiator can sometimes be frustrating on sensitive and conflicting topics, and with no emotion control. , Worsens the situation of the meeting and leads to unfavorable results. So a good negotiator should never let emotions get in the way during a business meeting to take control of the meeting to get bad results at the end of the meeting.

“In a business meeting, the ability to solve a problem to achieve common goals is the sixth communication skill that a professional negotiator must have,” said the international relations activist. Disputes usually arise in business meetings, where a skilled negotiator can focus on resolving the dispute instead of focusing on his or her ultimate goal, as continuing disputes can lead to a total failure of the negotiation, and in Conversely, finding a suitable solution for both parties to the negotiation can be to the benefit of both parties.

He continued: The seventh communication skill in a business meeting is decisive decision making. Negotiators who are skilled enough to lead a business negotiation have a high ability to make decisive decisions during a meeting. Otherwise, their business goals may be jeopardized and the negotiation session may fail. In a trade negotiation that is to end with the signing of a contract, a decisive decision is necessary and can quickly lead to ending a stalemate and reaching a bilateral agreement.

Dr. Moslehifar stated: Teamwork in presenting a useful negotiation is the eighth communication skill in a business meeting. Keep in mind that negotiation does not necessarily have to put one side against the other, but that the negotiators, as a business team, must create a common space between the parties during the meeting. Those who are involved in a negotiation with both sides of this issue must work together to reach a desirable solution.

The international relations activist said that the communication skills needed to attend a business meeting should be a set of skills and knowledge needed to ensure that the desired goals are achieved in order to increase competitive advantage and greater profitability in business. In the end, Dr. Moslehifar expressed his satisfaction with the interview conducted by the Science and Technology News Agency in Shiraz, stating that in addition to the importance of improving communication skills in business meetings, the issue of business communication should also be addressed as a prerequisite for entering the business arena. Is. When business communication takes place, it is either oral that gives rise to immediate ideas and a more open flow of thoughts, or writing that is great for keeping track of decisions and actions on paper.The use of each of these methods depends entirely on your circumstances. Accordingly, it is hoped that the Science and Technology News Agency from Fars will publish a report examining trade communication methods.

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