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Export and import of all authorized goods

زمان مطالعه: 2 دقیقه

Export of goods

In the field of trade, the word “export” means the departure of goods from the customs sector to be sent to other countries, if the legal aspects are observed in the process of sending goods and the export is done through the legal channels of the two countries. This economic activity is the opposite of the import activity of goods and is an important and vital matter regarding the increase of economic prosperity of countries, which has its own complex and special process and has its own techniques and techniques that a person or The issuing organization must comply with them.
Therefore, Safir International Company will do the whole process of exporting goods for you so that you do not get involved in the complexities of this matter.


Importing goods from different countries is an important commercial and economic activity that has long been practiced in different societies to meet the needs of society. In fact, the production of some goods is not possible or economically viable for all countries, so those countries use the import of goods to meet the domestic needs of their country. In fact, products that are produced or supplied in other foreign countries and are imported to our country as a destination through a legal trade route, are called imports of goods.
Importing goods can always bring huge benefits to traders and traders active in this field; But do not forget that to do this important activity, it is always necessary to be familiar with the steps of importing goods and the specific rules of this work.Therefore, in order to prevent any losses during the import, as well as to prevent or reduce the unwanted costs of importing goods and import services, seek the help of the consultants of Safir International Permanent Communication Company.