One of the communication processes between human beings is negotiation, which involves a combination of different types of verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and business negotiation is an integral part of all human life that even if we do not want to participate in such negotiations, We have to sit at the same table with other people for financial and business purposes.
According to the Science and Technology News Agency from Shiraz, for this reason, learning negotiation techniques is one of the needs of every person, especially business activists. The term refers to techniques that are both professional and ethical, as negotiation techniques that every negotiator should be familiar with. This is because unfamiliarity with the techniques causes the negotiator to fail miserably.
Negotiation techniques are a set of tools used in the negotiation process to guide the negotiator in a specific direction determined by the negotiator, as well as to persuade the other party to accept the negotiator’s demands.
Dr. Moslehifar, CEO of the International Company, Ambassador of Permanent Communication and Lecturer in the field of International Trade Relations, told a reporter from Shiraz Science and Technology News Agency: “It is very attractive for many of us to participate in negotiation sessions, because success in negotiation can greatly change our individual and social destiny. However, it should be noted that this communication process will be effective when, with full knowledge of negotiation techniques, it is possible to establish appropriate communication with the culture and environmental conditions of the negotiating parties.
The international trade relations activist added: “The purpose of any negotiation is to reach an agreement that leads to the interests of both parties.” In this way, the high potential of the negotiator to negotiate increases the willingness of the parties to trade and develop export markets in the future. In this regard, learning how to advance the negotiation with respect to effective communication techniques is an important part of the success of a business negotiation.
Dr. Mohammad Ali Moslehifar, referring to the importance of the negotiation process in different cultures, said: “Prerequisite for effective trade negotiations, mastery and sufficient knowledge of negotiators to increase their international trade relationship and understand the negotiation style, behavior and culture of the other side.” Knowing the techniques and using them properly to implement the strategies needed in any trade negotiation.
In this regard, he said: “Each negotiation session has its own conditions that the negotiating parties must identify the effective factors due to the change of different conditions and by mastering the techniques in conducting negotiations, appropriate strategies to achieve Choose their desires and achieve their goals.
Mosleh Far added: “There are many techniques in the negotiation literature and specifically in the discussion of business negotiations, and here we refer to four effective techniques in conducting a successful negotiation.”
Choosing a venue is the first effective technique for the success of a trade negotiation. Determining the venue of the negotiation means that the negotiation takes place on one’s own land, on the opponent’s land or on the third country, which will vary depending on the type of negotiation and the subject matter of the negotiation, as well as the negotiating parties. Negotiators should choose a place to conduct their conversations that feels comfortable and that there are no security concerns or the influence of the other or a third party.
He continued: “When the negotiator intends to complete the contract and receive the final agreement, it is better to negotiate on the spot. When negotiating at your place, your familiarity with the environment, the availability of information, and your psychological mastery of space, position, and self-confidence are strengthened. On the other hand, it should be noted that choosing your place for negotiation also has problems. For example, if you choose your place to negotiate, you will not be able to delay the negotiation for any reason, and you will not be able to ask for time to review the other party’s sudden proposals and use the technique of postponing the negotiation.
Mosleh Far continued: “Usually in cases where the negotiator intends to introduce his company, or in the initial and briefing sessions, it is better to choose the place of the other party to hold the negotiation.” One of the advantages of this method is that because you are not the host, it will be possible for you to postpone the negotiation time for reasons such as incomplete documentation or the occurrence of sudden events.
He added: “When neither of the negotiating parties agrees on the location of one of the parties to hold the talks, or when the parties have a big difference on an issue, it is recommended to use a third place for the talks.” An important feature of the third place that you should consider is that this place is not dependent on any of the parties and is a so-called completely neutral place. You can also use third-party and neutral venues such as hotel lobbies or similar venues for informal and friendly negotiations.
The CEO of Ambassador International Sustainable Communication described the second effective technique as using the effects of emotion in negotiation sessions. Positive and negative emotions play an important role in the negotiation process that can be strategically expressed to influence the outcome. Negative emotions can exacerbate and even lead to irrational behavior, leading to negotiation. In contrast, positive emotions can often facilitate reaching an agreement and helping to maximize mutual benefit. Before negotiations begin, those in a good position are more confident and more inclined to plan for the use of collaborative strategies.
He continued: “The role of emotion in negotiations, the positive effectiveness that is evoked by reaching an agreement, facilitates bilateral relations and this leads to an effective commitment that determines the next stages of interactions.” Conversely, expressing negative emotions during a negotiation can sometimes be both positive and beneficial. For example, a well-regulated anger can be an effective way to show commitment and loyalty and the need for a party to agree.
“Silent competition is the third most effective technique in a successful negotiation,” said the international relations activist. Remember that talking in negotiation is not an end in itself; It is a tool. Your main goal is to send a message, and if silence can send your message to the other person better than talking, you must use it.
“Silence can also be a standard communication technique,” he said, noting that silence is also one of the multi-purpose behaviors in negotiation. When we are silent so that the other person speaks to us and we hear his words, in fact our goal is to listen more effectively, and here we have used one of the basic and important techniques of communication skills. Sometimes silence can also be a sign of protest and rejection of the other party’s position, which shows that silence is not always a sign of satisfaction.
Dr. Moslehifar described the fourth effective technique as the technique of information bombardment in trade negotiations. Information bombardment in negotiation means that the other party provides you with information that is different from what you wanted or beyond. The information bombardment person hopes that the information presented will be more than the processing power of your moments in the meeting and that he or she will be able to steer the conversation and negotiation in the direction he or she wants, relying on your confusion.
He went on to say: “Negotiators are bombarded with information with a variety of motives, one of which is to shy away from providing the right answer; Mixing true and false information; And buy time pointed.
The international relations activist said: “Negotiations are influenced by many factors, the observance of each of which means placing a piece of the puzzle, and the observance and application of each will lead to successful negotiations.” By knowing the mentioned techniques, it is undoubtedly possible to provide a suitable platform for preparing the space and convincing the negotiating party. But you should not forget that techniques are not one of the first things we learn in negotiation;We also need to know the communication skills in conducting a successful negotiation. In the end, Dr. Moslehifar expressed his satisfaction with this interview and the importance that the Science and Technology News Agency in Shiraz has given to the issue of international trade, stating that in addition to learning effective techniques for success in the negotiation session, having good communication skills. The basis of success in negotiation. Accordingly, it is hoped that the Science and Technology News Agency from Fars will devote a report to the study of communication skills in business negotiation sessions, especially in the international arena.